Logo Startup Madeira

Convite: Sessão Temática > Marketing Digital

28 August, 2018

Startup Madeira and Câmara Municipal da Ribeira Brava established a protocol of support for entrepreneurship and innovation, in Ribeira Brava. To establish the beginning of this collaboration, there will be a thematic session about Digital Marketing.

This initiative will take place on September 14th, at 14h30, Salão Nobre of Câmara Municipal da Ribeira Brava.


14h30 > Boas-vindas
Ricardo Nascimento - Presidente da Câmara Municipal da Ribeira Brava
Carlos Soares Lopes - Presidente da Startup Madeira

14h45 > Marketing Digital
Roberto Macedo Alves - Formador

16h45 > Final da sessão

Roberto Macedo Alves has a degree on Informatics Engineering and Computer, at Instituto Superior Técnico. He's the founder and owner of Livraria Sétima Dimensão, of the development children development - Gymboree Funchal - and of the teaching company Formar+. Since 2004 he does events, working related workshops and formations about Creative Arts, Computers, Communication and Multimedia.