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GameJam+ Madeira 2024

5 September, 2024

We, Startup Madeira will organize the 2nd edition of GameJam+ Madiera - a 48h game development marathon, developed within the global initiative GameJam+.

The GameJam+ Madeira decorrerá simultaneamente com todas as GameJam's organizadas em todo o mundo. Às 19h [GMT] de 6ªfeira, dia 18 de outubro, a organização irá revelar o tema e as linhas orientadoras que as equipas terão de ter em conta aquando o desenvolvimento do jogo.

Between 18 de outubro [6ªfeira] e 20 de outubro [domingo], the teams will focus on developing a game concept and a minimum prototype. During this period, there will be a certified group of mentors from different backgrounds and expertises [game design; marketing and monetization, development, sound engineering, etc], that will guide the teams. 

At the end of the 3rd day [October 20, Sunday], the teams will have to submit their game on the global platform, which will then be evaluated by the global jury. 

The ideas/game selected by the global jury worlwide will move on to the Incubation Stage.

This is a program developed by Startup Madeira, within the scope of the eGames Lab consourtium, with the support of Digital Valley Portugal.


  • Leverage the region's video game and creative ecosystem;
  • Expand the global network in this industry;
  • Involve the student and local community in an intensive video game marathon;
  • Provide a space for networking and sharing between participants, local organizations and national and international mentors;
  • Demonstrate the various activities and games developed by the eGames Lab consortium;
  • Designing an innovative strategic future;
  • Support teams in developing new ideas;
  • Foster collaboration and joint intervention between the ecosystem, companies in the sector and invited guests.

Dates and Location

We, The 2nd edition of GameJam+ Madeira will be held between 18th and 20th of october, 2024.

  • October 18th (Friday): 17h00 - 00h30
  • October 19th (Saturday): 09h00 - 00h30
  • October 20th (Sunday): 09h00 - 20h00 

It will take place at the Reitoria da Universidade da Madeira - Colégio dos Jesuítas

For the program and more information, take a look at the official website of the initiative: https://startupmadeira.eu/gamejam_madeira2024/

If you have any doubts contact us!