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Startup Madeira is a partner in the 7th edition of Building the Future event

20 January, 2025

Once again, Startup Madeira will be a partner of the Building the Future, an initiative organised by Microsoft and developed by imatch where we will explore the theme of AI as a partner in the human journey.

The Building The Future is the leading Portuguese event on digital transformation and in 2025 we will celebrate the 7th edition, on 19 February at the Carlos Lopes Pavilion in Lisbon, with a digital stream available on the BTF Platform to make the experience accessible to everyone, everywhere!

"Capacitar o Potencial: Where AI Meets Human Insight.” will be the main theme.

We'll explore how AI complements human capabilities, helping us to overcome natural limits and make smarter, more impactful decisions - whether in the boardroom, on the factory floor or in creative spaces. The agenda includes talks, real-life case studies and lightning sessions designed to inspire and challenge perspectives.

Because of the importance of the themes and the need to extend learning throughout Portugal, the BTF organisation offers free online access to the event, subject to prior registration.

For more information see the official website here!

A tua startup também pode participar!

We, Startup Madeira como parceira do Building The Future  2025  disponibilizará acesso a 3 startups que desejem participar presencialmente no evento (1 bilhete por empresa). A entrega do bilhete será realizada por ordem de inscrição, após validada a inscrição.
Se estás interessado em acompanhar a nossa equipa nesta viagem 🛫 preenche o formulário abaixo 👇🏼 , com os dados da tua startup. 
a) após a manifestação de interesse será entregue às startups selecionadas um código para acesso gratuito ao bilhete do evento. A viagem e estadia é por conta da empresa.